
NM0424 : Vermiculture

The film depicts earthworms which feed on organic debris to eliminate the organic waste accumulated by other animals and human beings. The organic waste which is converted into organic manure is known as Vermicompote.

NM0425 : Silicon Dust ( Anamol Patthar-Bemol, Zindagi )

The film talks about the precious stone called "AGATE" and its utility in human life, it also discusses the problem of silicosis encountered by the workers who become victims of incurable diseases caused by silicon dust in the process of making "AGATE" stone.

Keep Your City Clean

Keep your city clean is the message of this film, suggesting it in a funny manner.

The Pride of Tribals ( Madia Gonds )

This is a success story of a tribal man Dr. Kanna Madavi who rose to become sucessful Surgeon. Dr.Kanna belongs to the tribe called "Madia Gonds" of one of the most backward area Gadchiroli in Maharashtra.

NM0467 : Khajuraho Millennium

In the year 2000 Khajuraho temple completed their thousand years of existence on this occasion there was a year long celebration and various artists from different fields got together to study and discuss the heritage of Khajurajho temples. This film is a record of this great event.

NM0435 : Patjhar

This film is on the senior citizens of India. It brings out the conditions in which they live and the apathy and the neglect of society towards their problems the film raises some pertinent questions on the society's need to treat senior citizens as an integral part of the community.

Unity Wheel

This animation film the wheel symbolizes the unity in our country inspite of religious and linguistic differences. The motto of this film united we stand divided we fall.

The Eye of The Fish : The Kalaris of Kerala

A thousand years ago the martial art form of Kalarippayuttu was born is South India as a rejection of large scale war, entailing immense loss of lives and property. The film highlights how today Kalarippayuttu, with its emphasis on a completely focused mind, is being harnessed as the single most potent tool of self-realisation in a chaotic world.


This biographical film on danseuse Sonal Mansingh traces her growth as a dancer and provides glimpses of her human qualities. The film not just documents her two decades plus career, but also takes a peek into the character of a person who overcame personal obstacles to become one of India’s foremost dancers. The film depicts Sonal Mansingh as an example of hope for people to identify with across cultures and also showcases her myriad interests and involvement in numerous fields.

Salil Chowdhury ( L. V. )

Writer, story-teller, dramatist, music-composer and above all a humanist Salil Chowdhury lives forever through his works.
